Embracing the human, ecological and economic dimensions of sustainable livelihoods and responsible stewardship in a changing world
Recent Work
World Renew Canada, Dec 2017-Jan 2018
Cleaning, processing and analysis (including descriptive statistics and trend analysis in both tabular and graphical format) of quantitative data collected as part of the end-of-project evaluation of the “Enhancing Food and Economic Security” program, a 5-year program funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) that World Renew supported in Bangladesh, Honduras, Mali, Mozambique, and Tanzania from October 2012 to September 2017. Dec 2017-Jan 2018.
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), Sept-Oct 2017
Led a three member team that conducted a country program review of MCC’s work in Burkina Faso during the period of 2011-2017. Sept-Oct 2017.
TANGO International, Mar-Dec 2017
Conducted quantitative analysis of food security, livelihood and resilience data from a large household survey for the mid-term evaluation of the USAID FFP Resilience in the Sahel-Enhanced (RISE) initiative in Burkina Faso and Niger. Contributed to drafting of the Survey Report for the mid-term RISE Impact Evaluation Study. Nov-Dec 2017.
Conducted background and qualitative field research in the DRC and drafted one of six in-depth country case studies as part of a larger review of USAID Food for Peace Market-Based Food Assistance Programs. The review examines the background and evolution of market-based programming within FFP and in relation to the international evolution of food assistance in emergencies and the achievements, challenges, lessons and information gaps associated with the application of this wider array of FFP tools for providing food assistance. June-August 2017.
Conducted qualitative research in the Democratic Republic of Congo to capture social capital and community collective action for managing shocks/stresses, as well as household resilience capacities (absorptive, adaptive, transformative) to manage risks for incorporating into Food for Peace (FFP) baseline surveys funded through USAID’s Evaluation and Learning Mechanism (EVELYN) for use in Kasai, Tanganyika and South Kivu provinces. Mar-May 2017.
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Research Program of the CGIAR, Oct-Dec 2016.
Assessed the degree to which innovations in climate science, climate information and decision-making under climatic uncertainty are already mainstreamed into the processes of major donors, and identified opportunities to improve the way investments in agriculture and food security management are designed. Published by CCAFS as a working paper:
Brown DR. 2017. Review of climate screening approaches and tools for agricultural investment: Areas for action and opportunities to add value. CCAFS Working Paper no. 214. Wageningen, Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
World Vision Canada, June 2010
Developed an environmental implementation strategy for World Vision Canada – a process to guide WVC in its efforts to achieve full integration of climate change and environmental considerations in its programming.
World Vision Canada, Governance – Ecosystems – Livelihoods (GEL) CIDA-NGO Grant, December 2007
Facilitated, in French, a 5-day Training of Facilitators Workshop in Mauritania.
Introduced 21 national staff to systems-based thinking and approaches to community development.
Developed, together with participants, some practical tools which are aligned with World Vision’s current Design Monitoring and Evaluation practice and which take into consideration the complexity of systems-based approaches.
The World Bank, Agriculture and Rural Development Division, Program on Forests (PROFOR), February – April 2007
Analysed case study research conducted by PROFOR in six countries. PROFOR, in partnership with IUCN, ODI, CIFOR and Winrock International, is building a body of knowledge, based on real examples, to show how locally and sustainably managed forests can help enhance rural livelihoods, conserve biodiversity and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Wrote introductory paper for the Poverty-Forest Linkages Toolkit.